Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Inspiration--Only the Lonely

What they don't tell you about starting a new business is that it's very lonely. I discovered that this past month the hard way. Asking for help is something that isn't always easy for anyone, especially someone like me who is big on ALWAYS being able to do it all by myself. (Yeah, control/perfectionist/type A issues). But I'm determined to make this work, so I bit the bullet and I asked. It was interesting to see who showed up and who didn't. And as it is in life, it's never quite how you play it in your head. Some of those who I thought would indeed show up and gladly were scarcely interested or available, and those who I didn't expect to show up in any meaningful way and certainly weren't obligated to through friendship or kinship or any kind of ship at all showed up in amazing ways asking, "What can I do to help?" and then really, truly helped, all because I did some obscure thing for them years ago that turned out to really matter to them or just because they like me or because they believe in the idea or because simply like most humans on the planet they are truly generous, kind people. That generosity and kindness has been almost completely emotionally overwhelming by the way, and makes me break out into fresh tears every time I get a new email or phone call offering suggestions or asking, "What can I do to help?"

And then there are the perfect strangers who showed up just because...why not? Offering feedback on the site and bearing with me as I made adjustments and sticking with it until all was running smoothly.


Starting a new business is a learning experience to say the least. But I'm going to take the advice of a friend who did show up in a magnificent way for me and kept the emotional boat afloat when I was ready to give up; I'm going to stay the course and stop bemoaning the people in my life who did not show up. As this friend said: You're doing something they haven't done--following your dreams and stepping out on a limb...that [their not showing up] would be faith for me.

And in thinking about these words it occurred to me that this feeling of loneliness that comes with starting a new business isn't just limited to starting a new business. It's a feeling that comes when starting any new endeavor, which got me to thinking about my brave writers. So I share this as, hopefully, inspiration for them. A reminder that we are not alone. In this week's Newsletter to EditingGenius members, I shared this Neil Gaiman quote:

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're DOING SOMETHING."

If we are doing something that is worth it, there may be moments of doubt, moments when we feel discouraged and like we are possibly spinning our wheels and when those we count on for honest feedback and support are no where to be found or simply don't have any answers for us. I actually hope that for the members at EditingGenius, that when those moments of self-doubt and loneliness creep in, that EditingGenius can be a place to turn, and a source of encouragement and strength, which leads me to this note from another friend that is everything to me:

"So have been sitting with the EditingGenius throughout evening and thoroughly impressed and in awe. I'm taken aback by the depth and breadth of information presented for a site that's still in its opening stages, and I particularly loved the blog pieces by copy editor Chandra (she sounds awesome, and dug her perspective on things) and your piece on keeping holiday publishing trends in perspective. I don't fully have the words yet but I hope you're taking the time to really sit down and appreciate what you've created. It's very emotional to witness."

So after a month of working my ass off and toying with the idea for no less than 15 yeyars, I am also taking this friend's advice and sitting down to really appreciate what I've created. A writing community. Not just a small business, but a writing community. And it truly is an emotional thing. People are talking to each other in the Discussion Forums and reading the Curated Industry News and reading and commenting on this blog and registering for classes. People have even liked EditingGenius on Facebook and follwed us on Twitter. And Members are submitting Guest Blog Posts and really digging in to make this community their own. There are still plenty of rough edges and things are progressing slowly, but they are progressing and it's a thing, it exists and I'm hopeful. And while not everyone who I thought would come to the table has come, many have and many like what I'm doing and  today, I don't feel like I've made a huge mistake or that what I've done isn't somehow good enough. Today, I'm sitting down to appreciate what I've created, taking strength and encouragement from it. Today, I'm inspired. And I hope you will be too.

Oh and new business plug:

Join us at

Happy Sunday!


  1. And we thank you for taking this on and sticking to it! I truly appreciate you inviting me in and I look forward to experiencing the growth.

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! I appreciate that and you. :)
