Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Inspiration--Getting It Done!

My editing "To Do" list is currently eight manuscripts long. It sometimes feels daunting when I consider how much there is to do. It feels even more daunting when I consider the submissions I also have to respond to--have yet to respond to. Oy! There is just too much to do and not enough hours in the day, but there are authors counting on me and sometimes the only way through is through. This weekend I had to shake myself free from the paralysis and anxiety that my "To Do" list often causes and just get it done. I haven't left my house in two days. I haven't been taking phone calls, there are text messages from people who love me checking to make sure I'm still alive that I should probably answer and there's been hardly a peep from me on social media. I understand it may have snowed. But it was all worth it as I can happily cross one of those manuscripts off my "To Do" list. And there's something slightly thrilling about accomplishing such a task and actually crossing the item of my list. (I have a literal list and I actually take my pen and cross things off of it; I find it cathartic, sort of an encouraging pat on the back. I recommend this ritual to everyone). It makes me feel like I'm on a little bit of a roll and more than ready to take on the next task, excited even to keep getting it done. I have to remind myself that going to sleep and resting my mind is also part of getting it done. And I will rest, but wanted to acknowledge the reward of renewed energy and yes, inspiration in finishing a task, especially when that task is about bringing an author one step closer to having a publishable manuscript. Finishing is also a reminder to stay on task and just as writers should write every day, I need to edit every day. It's easier said than done given the demands of the office and the need to shower and otherwise conduct a personal life, but if I could edit every single day, consistently, even if it's just twenty pages a day, I wouldn't always feel quite so overwhelmed by my "To Do" list...maybe. I'll make a renewed commitment to it and we'll see...The truth is I don't want my editing "To Do" list to feel like a "To Do" list at all, and wish I didn't have to think about editing in such a formulaic, business-like way. I love editing. My fingers literally itch to do it, especially as I love all the projects on my "To Do" list. Hmmm...perhaps the most important thing is just to hold onto this buoyed, joyful feeling and chase it every day, by making my way through as there is also as much joy in making it through as there is in finishing.

So here I am, Sunday night, ready and raring to go, looking forward to my week excited about all the other manuscripts on my "To Do" list and getting it done. Excited to edit.

I wish a happy and productive week to you all and here's to getting it done!


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