Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sunday Inspiration--Doing the Work

Whoo, where did the day go? Where did the weekend go? I actually have an answer to those two pointed Sunday night questions. The work. Well, there was also rest. The week of work left me exhausted and that exhaustion and Saturday's snow storm both conspired together, leaving me spending much of Saturday lounging on my couch, intermittently napping, snacking and watching a Will & Grace marathon. It was wonderful. But this morning, feeling the guilt of spending a Saturday not working, especially when per usual, I am so, so behind on everything, I got up early and went to work, taking inspiration and direction from Cliff Thompson's Guest Blog on what matters. But as I got to work editing I also found myself inspired by the work itself. I'm lucky in that I get to pick the projects I acquire and edit and I don't pick something unless I really, truly love it, so I love all the projects on my desk, but each novel I work on is its own world, if you will, with its own particular brand of challenges and troubles. Part of the joy of editing is to work with the author to tackle those challenges and ease those troubles until the narrative is the absolute best it can be, and when the author and I reach the end of that process, I always marvel by how much a narrative has changed, evolved and grown. It's pure inspiration.

Though, with the manuscript I was working on today, I am at the beginning of this editorial process, not the end, and reading the manuscript one last time before finalizing my first editorial letter for the author and turning over the manuscript and letter so the author can get to work revising. Even though this author and I are at the beginning of the editorial process, as I read today, I found myself completely inspired, as inspired as I would be and will be at the end of the editorial process. The writing in this particular book is fast-paced, the characters so well-rendered and the story is fresh and because of these strengths and many others, I couldn't help but to become caught up in the storytelling, so much so that I had to remind myself to edit. This is not to say the manuscript is perfect and not in need of editing. But putting together as strong a manuscript as this author has without the benefit of an editor does not happen by accident. I found myself inspired by the work and care and love this author has put into this narrative and because of that, as an editor, I'm compelled and yes inspired by this author to put just as much work, care and love into my edit of it. And in this way, editing this narrative became its own joy. It's near midnight and I finally had to pull myself away from the manuscript to get myself ready for the week and sleep. As I worked, I had my eye on the clock, but just kept telling myself one more chapter, one more page. Being this inspired by a manuscript, by the work is a magical feeling and one that reminds me just how lucky I am to do what I do and just how much I love my job. So my Sunday Inspirational thought for you? Find the inspiration in your own work. Inspiration = joy. If you're not caught up in and excited by you're own work, you're doing it wrong.


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