Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Inspiration

This has been a big week at Editing Genius. First, our first full week of blogging is in the books. Whoohoo! Thanks to Laura Klynstra, our inaugural Professional Spotlight, and Rakia Clark, our first Guest Blogger for making this a great week. If you missed Laura and Rakia, check out their posts here and here.You can also read Monday's In The News post here, Tuesday's Craft post here and Wednesday's Children's Publishing post here.

Secondly, we've been working furiously behind the scenes to get our Writing Community up and running and are now amazingly ready for beta testers. So if you're looking for a dynamic writing community and access to critique and feedback from industry professionals and support from fellow writers, please join us today. The Editing Genius Writing Community is a fee-based membership, but the fee ($10 per year for Basic Members/$20 per year for Membership Plus) is waived for the first 100 members. If you're interested please contact us at Learn about what our community can offer you here.

In the interim, here's some Sunday inspiration for you--a poem by Lucille Clifton that has always inspired me to be and do more. Enjoy. And be sure to make today count.

won't you celebrate with me

won't you celebrate with me
what I have shaped into
a kind of life? I had no model.
born in babylon
both nonwhite and woman
what did I see to see except myself?
i made it up
here on this bridge between
starshine and clay,
my one hand holding tight
my other hand; come celebrate
with me that every day
something has tried to kill me
and has failed.

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